Sep 18, 2010

Introducing 'ASK THE PTA'

Do you have a question for the Mt.Washington PTA?  Is there information you need or policy you'd like clarified?  In the next issue of the Mt.Washington PTA eBlast, we will add a feature designed to answer all of your burning questions.  We'll post the questions and answers anonymously, without releasing any identifying information to protect your privacy.  Responses will be published in the next month's issue.  There are 3 ways to submit a question: 

1. go to:    
2. email: (email addresses will be kept strictly confidential)   
3.complete the form from your PTA welcome packet and drop it into the PTA Question Box located in the parent center. 

Go ahead and send us your questions and we will get busy finding you the answers!

In an effort to reduce printing costs and paper waste, more and more of our communication will take place online this year.  Please bookmark the PTA website now: .  Our website will be updated regularly with notices, news of events, photos, download-able forms, our calendar etc. This year we would like to introduce a weekly blog that will update you and give you a heads up for events and activities for the week. To sign up for the blog just follow your room rep's instruction on back to school night.

Fundraising: Help Wanted

Be on the look out for PTA communication that details ways in which you can help out!  There are a variety of volunteer opportunities tailored to fit your interests and schedule.  Our Ways & Means Committee is scouting volunteers for some very important fundraising projects.  If you are interested in any of the below areas, please contact our VP of Ways & Means, Ariella Roberts, at,  to let her know what you can help with. Or, if you are passionate about a fundraising project not on our list, please send us your thoughts!

Open Positions: Assistant VP W&M, Pumpkin Festival, Catalog Sales, Book Fairs, Restaurant Nights/Liaison, Americana Night Out/Liaison, Dance Chair, Movie Night, Bowling Night, International Festival, Auction Event(s), End of Year Picnic/Luau

Join the PTA

JOIN US TODAY!  For approximately 1 1/2 cents a day, you can become a PTA member, joining nearly 6 million other people who share your interest in issues affecting children. Everyone – parents, educators, students and others active in our school and community – are invited to join our not-for-profit organization.  You can join by signing up at or by returning the membership envelope sent home with your child to the office or the parent center.

Back to School Night - September 30th, 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Back to School Night will be on Thursday the 30th, from 6:00pm-7:30pm.  This is your chance to meet your child's/children's teacher(s) and find out what our kids will be learning and doing this school year.  It will be a minimum day, when our children will get out of school at 12:50pm.  Parents will be asked to meet in the Smith Center (MPR) at 6:00pm, prior to going to the classrooms.  The PTA will be hosting a bake sale from 5:30pm-6:00pm, again please be on the lookout for ways you can help.

Snack Shack Opens - September 28th

Snack Shack will start up again on Tuesday September 28th.  It will be open for 1/2 hour after school Tuesday through Thursday.  LAUSD approved snacks such as granola bars, fruit snacks, fruit, and pretzels are sold from 25 cents to $1.00.  In order to keep Snack Shack open for our children all 3 days, we need volunteer help on Wednesdays especially.  If you are able to volunteer to work with our 5th and 6th graders, please contact Gill Correa at  to let him know you are available.

25th Annual Pancake Breakfast-September 25th, 8:00am - 11:00am

Our first event of the school year is our annual Pancake Breakfast.  This year the griddle will sizzle on Saturday the 25th from 8:00am-11:00am, in the parking lot and the kindergarten yard.  We would like to thank Kelly and Fernando Orozco for chairing this event, and we would like to ask and encourage all of you to help us make this event a huge success.  We invite you to come out for some pancakes, meet and greet our incoming kindergarten families, mingle with all of our returning families, listen to up-beat music and spend your Saturday morning doing all the fun things that have traditionally been the Pancake Breakfast.  Look for volunteer opportunities, and other ways you can help, coming your way soon.  Thank you to all the parents who volunteered to donate items off the star sticky board.  Please bring your item(s) to the parent center by Thursday the 23rd, except for ice, please bring that by 7:30am the morning of the event on the 25th.  For questions and further information, please contact Kelly Orozco at

School Art Calendar for sale beginning September 24th

The 2010-2011 school calendar, featuring artwork by our very talented student contest winners, will be available beginning September 24th. The 12-month traditional calendar includes important PTA event dates and school/district dates. Calendars will be for sale for $20 each and can be purchased at the Parent Center. Supplies are limited, so get yours early! These are truly a stunning works of art!

School Site Council Meeting & Orientation, Thursday, Sept. 23rd, 2:45 p.m. Library

Next Thursday the MWES School Site Council will meet and an orientation will be held to introduce the roles and responsibilities of the School Site Council.  Elections will be held Thursday October 7th.  One of the main responsibilities of the SSC is to develop, monitor, and evaluate a single plan to improve student achievement.  For more information, please contact the principal or Nina Zippay, current SSC Chair (

Fresh and Easy "Shop for Schools" September 15th - December 31st

The Fresh and Easy "Shop for Schools" fundraiser is back.  Please save your receipts of $20 or more starting September 15th, and turn them into the front office.  We receive $1 for every $20 spent.  Last year our school received several thousand dollars! The fundraiser ends December 31st, so we have over 3 months to do it again.

Principal Selection Committee

Mrs. Arakaki will be helping us with the selection process for our new permanent Principal and will be forming a committee shortly. The selection committee will include Ms.Diekman (District 4 Elementary Schools Director), 3 teachers, 3 parents (1 from the PTA Board, 1 from the School Site Council, and 1 from the general parent body) and 1 Classified Representative. If you would like to volunteer to be part of the selection committee, please submit a written request to the front office by September 24th. Please include your name, your child's name and your contact information on your request.

Sep 12, 2010

Welcome to another exciting year!

Another school year is upon us and so are new opportunities for our children!  We are excited about all the great events and programs scheduled for this year and encourage everyone to participate.

Also, please join us in warmly welcoming our interim Principal, Ms. Arakaki.  She brings years of experience to our great little school and will be invaluable during this time of transition.