Sep 18, 2010

Fundraising: Help Wanted

Be on the look out for PTA communication that details ways in which you can help out!  There are a variety of volunteer opportunities tailored to fit your interests and schedule.  Our Ways & Means Committee is scouting volunteers for some very important fundraising projects.  If you are interested in any of the below areas, please contact our VP of Ways & Means, Ariella Roberts, at,  to let her know what you can help with. Or, if you are passionate about a fundraising project not on our list, please send us your thoughts!

Open Positions: Assistant VP W&M, Pumpkin Festival, Catalog Sales, Book Fairs, Restaurant Nights/Liaison, Americana Night Out/Liaison, Dance Chair, Movie Night, Bowling Night, International Festival, Auction Event(s), End of Year Picnic/Luau