Oct 12, 2010

Direct Appeal 2010 - 2011

It’s that time of year again, where we come together for our children’s education.  With staffing positions cut, district facilities positions cut and programs and resources being slashed, our children's education is in jeopardy.  We are asking parents to support our children by donating ANY AMOUNT to the Direct Appeal Campaign. 

This year we’re calling it “Change for Change”, because the change in your pocket will make a huge impact when all families contribute something.  How much change will you contribute?

$1 a Day?    u     $1 a Week?     u    $1 a Month?     u     $1 a Year?

Our goal is 100% participation from each family of our 344 students.  Your contribution is 100% Tax Deductible!  You can make a single donation or set up a payment plan.
Donate on line http://www.mwpta.org or drop your donation off at the office.  Please make your checks payable to Mt. Washington PTA. 

We thank you for your support.  We could not do this without you!

Family Portrait Night

Just in time for holiday cards! The PTA will host a Family Portrait Night Fundraiser on November 5th from 5 – 8 p.m in the Smith Center (MPR).  Sitting fee is $30 and includes one 10X13, 8x10, 2 each of 5x7s, 4 each of 3 1/2x5 or 8 each of wallet photos.  50% of the fee comes back to our school! All you have to do is go online to www.familyportraitfun.com ; click on FIND YOUR EVENT, locate our school name and schedule your sitting time. You can pay the fee online and then show up to the school during your time. This is a great chance to get your family photo taken for holiday cards and mailings! PLUS, earn some money for our school! You can order photo cards and other photo packages too – 15% of package sales will come back to our school! It’s THAT easy! Portraits are shot on a white background so you choose your theme by your dress or props! You’ll get proofs within 2 days and photo packages are mailed to your home within 3-4 weeks. Here’s a chance to make a lasting family memory! Sorry, no pets allowed. Contact Chairperson Jackie Cahill at: katiescarlettmom@aol.com for more info.

Costume Swap, Friday October 15th, 2:30pm, Parent Center

Come Swap your children's clean, gently used Halloween costumes and accessories on Friday, October 15th from 2:30pm-4:00pm outside the Parent Center.  We will be collecting costumes and accessories every morning this week  (Oct.11-Oct.15) from 8:15am-9:15am .  Earn a ticket for each costume/accessory you bring, which can be exchanged for another costume or for a free raffle ticket at the 2010 Pumpkin Festival.  Claim back your un-swapped items the following Monday-Wednesday 8:15am-9:15am from the Parent Center or they will be donated to charity.

The Safety Valet Parent Volunteers need your help.

Lately there have been daily traffic jams in front of the school. Here’s what you can do to help keep
our children safe:

  • Come 5 -10 minutes earlier than you usually do which will help to alleviate the bottleneck we are having with traffic. The playground and Safety Valet are open at 7:45 am.
  • Avoid making 3 – Point turns in the middle of the street. It is dangerous and completely backs up traffic.
  • Use the crosswalk for the safety of yourself and others. When people jaywalk in front of the Safety Valet Zone not only is it dangerous, it stops the traffic flow.
Thank you for your support.
The Safety Valet Team

Oct 10, 2010

Membership Drive Contest

The PTA is holding a contest between all the classrooms to see which classrooms will achieve 100% participation by November 1st.  The first class to achieve 100% participation will receive an ice cream party + your teacher will get a $100 gift card to Lakeshore Learning Store.  The 2nd classroom to reach 100% participation, your teacher will also get a $100 gift card to Laekshore Learning Store.  The 3rd and 4th classrooms to reach 100% participation, your teachers will receive a $50 gift card to Lakeshore Learning Store.  100% participation means every child must have at least 1 parent or other relative join the PTA by November 1st, we are keeping a tally in the Rotunda so you can see who is in the lead.  We would like to thank a very generous parent for this wonderful gift and opportunity.

Oct 6, 2010

Pumpkin Festival Committee Meeting!

Please consider joining the PTA Pumpkin Festival Committee.  A MEETING WILL BE HELD THIS FRIDAY, OCT. 8th from 8:15 – 9:15 a.m. in the Parent Center.
Can’t make it, but want to help?  Email: waysandmeans@mwpta.org
Specific areas of need: donate a cake, donate raffle prizes, sponsor a booth (financially), sponsor an inflatable (financially), work a booth shift, buy prizes

Pumpkin Festival October 29th

This annual event is our BIGGEST children-focused event of the year! MWE Parents will transform the outdoor playground and pavilion into a spooky, fun-filled carnival! The festival will be held on Friday, October 29th from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. (directly following the school sponsored costume parade at 1:15 p.m.)
The festival will feature games, arts & crafts, music, entertainment and AMAZING food! Plus, we’re bringing back the old school classic CAKE WALK! Tickets for the booth activities will be sold for a nominal fee.
The event/campus is open to EVERYONE! Tell your family, friends and neighbors!

Look for more info in the coming weeks from your Room Rep on ways to get involved and volunteer. Each classroom will host a booth and lots of help is needed!

"Building Good Homework Habits" presentation: Monday, 10/18, 8:15am

Is the nightly homework grind driving you & your child crazy? Help is here! Veteran educator, school administrator and consultant Joan McClintic will offer practical advice on establishing strong study habits, understanding appropriate parental roles, and preventing & addressing common problems. Don't miss this one! Head to the MPR immediately following Monday morning assembly for bagels, coffee, and tips to make your family's weeknights more peaceful and productive. Childcare will be provided.


A limited supply of school calendars are available for purchase in the Parent Center for $20.  The calendars feature beautiful artwork from our talented contest winning students. For your convenience, all district, school and PTA dates of importance are pre-printed in these custom calendars.  Please help support this school fundraiser and get your calendar today!