Oct 10, 2010
Membership Drive Contest
The PTA is holding a contest between all the classrooms to see which classrooms will achieve 100% participation by November 1st. The first class to achieve 100% participation will receive an ice cream party + your teacher will get a $100 gift card to Lakeshore Learning Store. The 2nd classroom to reach 100% participation, your teacher will also get a $100 gift card to Laekshore Learning Store. The 3rd and 4th classrooms to reach 100% participation, your teachers will receive a $50 gift card to Lakeshore Learning Store. 100% participation means every child must have at least 1 parent or other relative join the PTA by November 1st, we are keeping a tally in the Rotunda so you can see who is in the lead. We would like to thank a very generous parent for this wonderful gift and opportunity.