At the beginning of this school year, the PTA began an effort to reduce paper waste in order to decrease printing cost and our carbon footprint. One of the ways we’ve accomplished this is through more use of electronic communication with the parent body. Over the last few months, we’ve collected your thoughts and comments on our progress and one thing is clear: email is a more effective and convenient method for receiving notices and reminders, but there is just too much. Well, we listened, we heard, and we’ve developed a more unified and consistent process to avoid over-burdening your inbox without compromising the exchange of important information. Please read the following carefully as these changes will affect how we send notifications.
1. Room reps will send one email per week with messages from the PTA. Any additional emails will be either at the teacher’s or principal’s request.
2. All PTA notices, announcements, reminders, etc, will be posted on our blog: This page will be updated frequently with the most up-to-date information. You have an option to either visit the page regularly to keep abreast of all the latest information; or you can sign up to receive an email whenever a new post is added. We strongly urge you to subscribe to the blog, as this is will be the primary source for communicating all PTA messages. To subscribe now, click here. You will be asked to enter your email address and then confirm your subscription.
- If you see a message that states “You are already listed on the mailing list of MWPTA New Blog Posts … “ This simply means that you simply need to confirm your subscription, so please look for an email from Feedburner and follow the confirmation instructions.
- If you see a message that states “ is already subscribed to the mailing list of MWPTA New Blog Posts” then you need to do nothing further.
3. The eBlast will be discontinued as of February 2011. To refrain from inundating your inboxes with duplicate information, we will no longer send a monthly eBlast with the usual reminders and announcements. That information can be found in our blog ( Again, we strongly suggest that you subscribe to ensure that you receive timely information. Click here to do so now.
4 GREAT NEWS! You can now follow us on Twitter! To be reminded of important events and meetings in real-time, find us @mwpta_la.
Please remember, there will be no more eBlasts after the final one in February 2011. To avoid missing pertinent information, please subscribe to the PTA Blog by clicking here.
As always, thank you for your continued support