What is a Family Math Night you might ask? It's a great opportunity to spend some time together as a family learning about math concepts from some of our wonderful teachers. It's a FREE event sponsored by Mt.Washington Elementary School. All are welcome, all we ask is that you rsvp back to the school by Thursday morning. A flyer went home with your child on Monday, with a detahable rsvp form.
The event starts off in the MPR at 5:30pm with registration. The workshops offered will be: numbers, origami, technology, measurement, multiplication and equations. Each family will have the opportunity to do two workshops. After the workshops, at 7:30pm, there will be a discussion period and door prizes will be given out. The PTA will be selling food starting at 4:30pm. This is a family event and each child must be accompanied by an adult.
The following Thursday, on the 31st, Literacy Night will be held. Save the date for that fun event and stay tuned for more info coming your way soon.
We look forward to seeing you at both events.