Feb 4, 2012


When using the school valet drop-off, please have your recycling in a bag ready to go with your child. A Green Team volunteer will be able to help your child with the recycling;  however, it is very important not to expect the safety valet volunteers to help with your recycling- they are there to help your child safely get out of the car.  We do not want this exciting new venture to disrupt the flow of traffic during school drop-off time, so if you have more than a small bag that your child or The Green Team volunteer cannot manage, please feel free to drop it off in the green bins at the back of the parent center during its open hours.  Please keep up the great work, and keep bringing in your recycling! We are now aiming for the next $1,000!!!

We are still looking for Monday morning volunteers to help collect the Recycling in the mornings.  If you can spare half and hour, please contact Libby Morris at : waysandmeans1@mwpta.org .  You don't have to sign up on a weekly basis,  we will be happy to take any time you can give the Green Team.