Sep 29, 2012

Coffee with the Principal, Friday, October 5 at 8:15 am in the Parent Center

Join Mrs.Valentino for coffee this Friday, October 5th at 8:15 in the Parent Center.  This is your chance to hear directly from her what is going on at our school and to ask questions and have discussions in an informal setting.

Fresh & Easy Shop for Schools

Mt. Washington School is famous for it’s "AWESOME" parent body.  In only 3 weeks of our kick-off, you have raised $244 in Fresh & Easy money.  Great Job!!!

Keep shopping and collecting your Fresh & Easy receipts, our wonderful school gets $1 for every $20 increment on your receipt.  So if you spend $43.45, our school gets $2 for your receipt.  If you spend $75.35, our school gets $3 for your receipt.

You want to know how to double that money???   When you walk in the store, purchase a Fresh & Easy gift card, save your receipt and then purchase your groceries with the gift card.  Now you have 2 receipts, 1 for your gift card and 1 for your groceries.  You've just double our fundraising!!!  Don't forget to turn in your 2 receipts.
Pickup a current coupon in the Office or in the Parent Center and now you can use coupons off your SmartPhone.

Save the Date for the Carnival of the Howlin’ Wolves

The Carnival of the Howlin’ Wolves will be Saturday, October 27th at Mt. Washington Elementary School.  BE SURE TO MARK YOUR CALENDARS NOW as this is an event you won't want to miss.  More information coming soon...

Direct Appeal Campaign

*REMINDER*:  If you haven't made your 2012-13 Direct Appeal contribution/pledge/donation it's not too late.  OUR SCHOOL NEEDS YOU!  Please drop off your money & tear-off section of the Direct Appeal form in the front office any day of the week.  Your support and participation ensures the continuation of Mt. Washington Elementary School's enriched education for all of our children.  If you have any questions, please contact Sharen Steele Herran at

PTA Membership Drive Update

We are getting closer to having the second and third place prizes awarded.  Here is how the contest is shaping up:

Room 1 - 84%
Room 2 - 84%
Room 3 - 44%
Room 4 - 50%
Room 5 - 100% as of September 1, 2012 (Before Room Reassignments)
Room 6 - 41%
Room 8 - 63%
Room 9 - 56%
Room 10 - 57%
Room 11 - 29%
Room 12 - 20%
Room 13 - 52%
Room 14 - 53%
Room 15 - 54%
Room 17 - 52%

PTA Enrichment Classes

Chess club starts this Friday, October 5th.  Kids will meet after school in the lunch pavilion (the flyer can be found by clicking the following link:

Dance classes start this Friday, October 5th.  Classes will be in the MPR.

MaYaya Dance (boys and girls) for grades K-2 will be from 2:45-3:45 (the flyer can be found by clicking the following link:

Belly Dancing (girls only) for grades 2-6 will be from 3:45-4:45 (the flyer can be found by clicking the following link: