Sep 8, 2012
IT'S FRESH & EASY SHOP FOR SCHOOLS TIME, Starting Wednesday, Sept. 12th
Start saving your receipts from any Fresh & Easy Store between 9/12/12 & 12/31/12, and turn them in at the Parent Center or Front Office. Our school receives $1 for every $20 you spend. The more you shop, the more our school makes!!! Last year Fresh & Easy wrote our school a check for $4,166.61. This year, Fresh & Easy Shop for Schools is going to have 2 winning California Schools for the $5,000 bonus. The 2 schools that get the highest receipt collection win the additional $5,000 bonus. So encourage others, including family members, friends, sports teams, church organizations and the whole community to donate their receipts to our school. Even if they shop at a different Fresh & Easy store, it still counts. Look for discount coupons in the Parent Center and the Main Office starting on Wednesday. Save the date for our shopping night on Wednesday, December 12th from 4-8pm, when our school gets 5% of sales from the entire store. To sign up to volunteer for that night please visit and click on documents then on Fresh and Easy. Thank you in advance for your support!!!