Nov 10, 2012


In the event of an emergency disaster, it might be necessary for children to remain at school until the danger has passed and a parent can pick them up. To help your child feel more comfortable and safe, we are asking each family to make their child an Emergency Comfort Kit.   At the beginning of the school year, the PTA sent home a one (1) gallon size ziploc bag with a list of suggested items and a card for the child’s information to be written clearly on it.  The Emergency Kits will be kept in the classrooms for the duration of the school year and returned to the children at the end of school year.  Most of the contents can be reused for the following year with little modification.   If you haven’t yet turned in your kit, you can access the letter with the suggested items by clicking on the Earthquake Info in English and Earthquake Info in Spanish.  Thank you for your assistance in this project. We all look forward to keeping the children safe and happy.