Please donate any unwanted items; all miscellaneous articles welcomed. Bring to "Superior Market" (Figueroa & Avenue 45) between 7AM and 10AM, Saturday, May 4th. If you cannot bring items that morning, please call 213/308-8954 to make other pick-up arrangements. Please consider donating books, appliances, lamps, furniture (good condition only), car accessories, clothes, toys, athletic equipment, bicycles, lawn & gardening, office equipment & building materials of any kind. This is a time to clean out your garages, attics & crawl spaces. New & Used Items in decent condition will not be turned away.
If every person brings 3 things they no longer need, this flea market will have over 1,000 items to sell!
If you can help set-up, sell or clean-up the day of the event, please contact Nina Zippay @ 213/308-8954 or Sharen Steele Herran @