Aug 17, 2013


This week kicks off our annual PTA membership drive. The first classroom to reach 100% membership (at least one adult member for every student in the class plus the teacher) will win a $100 gift card for their teacher to a school supplies store of their choice. Our goal is to reach 100% membership school wide and we are already off to a great start. Thank you to all of you who came by to say hi and who joined our PTA the first week of school. We already have 125 members, which is roughly 33% of our parent body. If you have not had a chance to join our PTA, no worries, look for a membership letter with a return envelope to come home in your child’s backpack this week. Fill out your information, enclose the $5 membership fee per member and return the envelope to your child’s teacher or the front office. Best of luck to all the classrooms!

Membership benefits and perks:
  • You show your child that school matters and that you are invested in their success.
  • You partner with our principal, teachers and staff to ensure our children have the best educational experience
  • You share in campus events that make your child’s school days more memorable
  • You connect with other parents, and become a member of CAPTA and the National PTA – the largest children’s advocacy organization in the country.
  • You help make decisions by having a voice and a vote at our membership meetings.
  • Local Benefits of MWPTA membership: Receive a discount when you proudly show your membership card at the following businesses
Read Books Eagle Rock - 10 % off your purchase -

Kumquat - 10% off brand items -

Brownstone Pizzeria - 10% off your purchase - 2108 Colorado Blvd.
Dave’s Chillin & Grillin - $1 off any sandwich – 2152 Colorado Blvd
Auntie Em’s Kitchen – 10% off your purchase –
The Green Bean – 10% off your purchase –
Four Café – 10% off your purchase – 2122 Colorado Blvd
For even more savings and discounts visit

Thank you for your support, we are looking forward to a great year!