Mar 30, 2013


Just a reminder, there is no school this Monday, April 1st. Morning assembly will be on Tuesday, April 2nd.  THE GREEN TEAM will be collecting your recycling Tuesday morning so be sure to bring in all recyclables that accrued during spring break.


There will be no more early dismissal Tuesdays. From this Tuesday till the end of the school year, students will get out at 2:30pm rather than 1:30pm. Please mark your calendar and alert any after school caregiver to your child of the time change.


On April 5th at 6:00 pm, there will be a screening of the documentary film "Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood". While the PTA has scheduled this screening, please note that the opinions and views expressed in the film are the opinions of the filmmakers and do not reflect the opinions or views of the PTA and is not intended to be an endorsement of the opinion or view expressed. Please RSVP to if you will be using childcare. Please click on the following link for more details: CONSUMING KIDS FLYER


  • Spanish Class – Correction from the last announcement: Session 2 will be having a make-up class on Tuesday, April 2nd. The third session will start the following Tuesday, April 9th and will go through May 28th. Tuition for the third session is $80. For more information click this link: SPANISH FLYER
  • Ma Ya-Ya Dance - Ma Ya-Ya dance method is a magical tale that weaves the art of dance, martial-art, Yoga, meditation, story telling and creative free dance. This class is for both boys and girl and for K to 6th grader. Classes are on Fridays, starting April 5, 2013 and ending May 24, 2013. Class will be held on the large playground from 2:35pm to 3:35pm. The 8 week session is $80.
  • Circus Arts Class - Start clowning around! Learn circus art, character and performance skills in our own MW Circus. Limited spaces are still available. Tuition is $88 for remaining 8 week session. Contact Stilt Circus: for more information or to sign up.
  • Chess Club - The annual MWES Chess Club Tournament is just around the corner and the club’s culmination is on Friday, April 26, 2013. Please read and share with your child the attached CHESS CLUB FLYER CHESS CLUB FLYER which has important information.


Star Light, Star Bright what beautiful stars we saw that night! Thank you to every parent, child, friend and neighbor who came out to enjoy our StarGazing Night. It was a fantastic evening. We'd also like to extend a HUGE THANK YOU! to those parents who volunteered to work the telescopes....we couldn't have done it without each of you! Your support and commitment to Mt. Washington Elementary School help make it the wonderfully enriching experience it is for our children. We raised over $500 and WOW! those 6th graders rocked ~ they raised close to $400. It was a good night all around.


We're heading back to California Pizza Kitchen for our next restaurant night. Flyer coming soon.


It's our last family movie night of this school won't want to miss it! More details to come.


FOMWS 8th Annual Auction was definitely a night to remember! From the silent auction to the comedians, the live auction to the bar, the food to the community ~ a resounding HOORAY! We were able to raise $29,800 thanks to everyone's participation and contributions. We would like to once again recognize all of our sponsors, contributors and attendees...our sincerest THANK YOU for another phenomenal event. If you haven't picked up your silent auction winning bid item yet, please contact Sharen Steele Herran @ to make arrangements.

For those of you who have asked (or were wondering and haven’t asked), you can access more information about the comics who performed by clicking on the following links:

Peter Spruyt


Thank you to all of the PTA members who came to the general association meeting and voted in our Executive Board for school year 2013-2014. Congratulations to:
  • President - Kwame Dow
  • 1st Vice President - Natalie Erwin
  • 2nd Vice President - Mimi Austria
  • 3rd Vice President - Nancy De Leon Meeker
  • 4th Vice President - Jane Park Dolan
  • Secretary - Aristea Jumonville
  • Treasurer - Jackie Cahill
  • Financial Secretary - Sharen Steele Herran
  • Auditor - Julia Albee
  • Historian - Nicole Thomas


Check this out ~ *voting starts Tuesday (4/2/13), please remember to vote* Coming Soon...FOMWS to join Antigua Cultural Coffee House in the ever growing Cypress Village Underground Tunnel Art Walk Gallery and Economic Vitality project for what's sure to be "the next best thing in Cypress Village!" More details to come.

Mar 16, 2013

PTA General Association Meeting this Thursday, March 21st at 8:15am in the MPR

The next meeting of the PTA General Association will be on March 21, 2013 at 8:15am. This is an important meeting where you, as a PTA member, will have the opportunity to cast your vote for the 2013-2014 PTA board officers. Please click on the following link for more details: 3/21 PTA FLYER

Two Special Screenings of “Consuming Kids: The Commercialization Of Childhood” – this Thursday, March 21st at 8:15 am in the MPR and on Friday, April 5th, at 6:00 pm in the MPR

Immediately following the General Association meeting on this Thursday (March 21st) and again on April 5th at 6:00 pm, there will be a screening of the documentary film "Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood". While the PTA has scheduled this screening, please note that the opinions and views expressed in the film are the opinions of the filmmakers and do not reflect the opinions or views of the PTA and is not intended to be an endorsement of the opinion or view expressed. Please RSVP to if you will be using childcare. Please click on the following link for more details: CONSUMING KIDS FLYER

This Friday, March 22nd is MWES’ Annual Spring Dance and the theme this year is "Once Upon A Time...At Mt. Washington Elementary"

Get set to enjoy a storybook evening complete with princesses, castles, dragons & knights! Music, dancing & food too! Parent volunteers are needed to assist at the dance, please contact Jane Park-Dolan at to sign up. A flyer with more details will be in backpacks this week.

After School Enrichment Classes:

Circus Art Class: It is not too late to sign up for Circus Arts Class – there are a few spots left. Classes are on Fridays at 2:45pm in the MPR. It is an all level class (K-6 will be divided into skill groups) and where students will explore elements of circus arts. Tuition is $111. For more information click this link:  CIRCUS ARTS CLASS FLYER.  Also, you can download a copy of the required release by clicking on the following link:  CIRCUS ARTS CLASS RELEASE

Spanish Class: This Tuesday (March 19th) is the last Spanish class in Session 2.  Session 3 will begin Tuesday, April 2nd and will go through May 28th. Flyer and sign up coming soon.

This Wednesday, March 20th is the Deadline for Submitting Dedications and Ads; Plus this Week is also the Last Week to Get Your Yearbooks for $22

Our yearbook committee is hard at work on this year's annual. You can still pre-order your yearbooks this week for only $22 – prices will increase in April and May. Order forms were sent home in backpacks, there are also forms available in the office. If you'd like to write a dedication for your child, or if your child would like to write one to their teacher or friends, please submit your dedications to the office by this Wednesday, March 20th. Dedication forms were attached to the yearbook forms, or you can download it by clicking on the following link: DEDICATION LINK. Dedications are $10 each. You can also advertise your business and support our school at the same time. Prices for ads are $25 for a business card size and $40 for a 1/4 page. The deadline for Ads is also this Wednesday, March 20th.

Mar 9, 2013

FOMWS 8th Annual Auction: A Night of Comedy is this Friday, March 15th from 6:30-10:30pm

It's quickly approaching – this Friday, March 15th! Tickets will be on sale this Monday morning in front of school or at --- $25pre-sale ($30 at door). This year’s extravaganza will be held at the beautiful Los Angeles River Center located at 570 W Avenue 26, LA, CA. Flyers with more details will be in backpacks on Tuesday. Please drop off all auction items in Parent Center no later than Wednesday. Invite friends, neighbors and family to our event. Thank you for your continued support and generosity. Questions? contact Sharen Steele Herran at or 323/227-7996. See you there…

Oh, and don’t forget that this year you can pre-bid on silent auction items. Pre-bidding will start Monday at midnight, just go to to start bidding!!!

After School Enrichment Classes

Circus Art Class: Starts this Friday, March 15th, at 2:45pm in the MPR, is the first Circus Arts Class (MWES’ newest after school enrichment class). The class is being taught by Rebecca Nelson, circus performer for Stilt Circus and coach and performer for Cirque du Soleil’s Cirque de Monde. It is an all level class (K-6 will be divided into skill groups) and where students will explore elements of circus arts by practicing juggling, hula hoop, spinning plates, feather balancing, poi spinning, theatrical character exploration, light acrobatics and more. They will have the opportunity to create a character with costumes, make their own center-ring top hat, learn how to walk on junior can stilts, and much more. Tuition for this 10 week series is $111. For more information check out the CIRCUS FLYER

Spanish Class: Next Tuesday, March 19th is the last Spanish class in Session 2. Session 3 will begin Tuesday, April 2 and will go through May 28th. Flyer and sign up coming soon.

PTA General Association Meeting on Thursday, March 21st at 8:15 am in the MPR

The next meeting of the PTA General Association will be on March 21, 2013 at 8:15am. This is an important meeting where you, as a PTA member, will have the opportunity to cast your vote for the 2013-2014 PTA board officers. A flyer will be going home soon with more details.

Two Special Screening of “Consuming Kids: The Commercialization Of Childhood” – Thursday, March 21st at 8:15 am in the MPR and on Friday, April 5th, at 6:00 pm in the MPR

Immediately following the General Association meeting on March 21st and again on April 5th at 6:00 pm, there will be a screening of the documentary film "Consuming Kids: The Commercialization of Childhood".  While the PTA has scheduled this screening, please note that the opinions and views expressed in the film are the opinions of the filmmakers and do not reflect the opinions or views of the PTA and is not intended to be an endorsement of the opinion or view expressed.  A flyer will be going home soon with more details.

Save the Date: Friday, March 22nd: It's time for our annual spring dance "Once Upon A Time...At Mt. Washington Elementary"

Get set to enjoy a storybook evening complete with princesses, castles, dragons & knights! Music, dancing & food too! Flyer with details coming soon.

Progressive Dinner Thank Yous!

Thank you to our gracious host homes & families... Mrs. Valentino, Nina Zippay & Paul Andersen (Nina was also Chairperson), Graham & MaryBeth Lippsmith and Liz Herron & Warren Christiansen. Without your kindness and generosity our event would not have been possible. Further thanks to Carlin G. Recreation Center for partnering with us to provide childcare, and lastly to those of you who attended and helped our 2nd Annual Progressive Dinner raise over $3,300! Yet another phenomenal fundraising effort.

Fresh & Easy Shop for Schools – $5,000 Winner to be Announced and $5 off Coupon for Shopping

Fresh & Easy has tallied up all the receipts that they received in connection with their Shop for Schools program and on Wednesday, March 13th they will be announcing the total amount raised by all participating schools and revealing which schools won the $5,000 bonus. To celebrate the news and recognize the incredible fundraising efforts of Mt. Washington Elementary School and other local schools, they will be hosting in-store celebrations the day of the announcement (with a free celebratory cupcake). Please click on the following link to download a special $5 off coupon that Fresh & Easy has provided: COUPON LINK. Feel free to share this coupon with any others you’d like to thank for helping raise money for Mt. Washington Elementary School through Shop for Schools.

Yearbooks are on Sale Now for $22- Dedication and Ad Deadline is March 20th

Our yearbook committee is hard at work on this year's annual. Pre-order your books this month for only $22, they will increase in price in April and May. Order forms were recently sent home in backpacks, there are also forms available in the office. If you'd like to write a dedication for your child, or if your child would like to write one to their teacher or friends, please submit your dedications to the office by March 20th. Dedication forms were attached to the yearbook forms, or you can download it by clicking on this  DEDICATION LINK.  Dedications are $10 each. You can also advertise your business and support our school at the same time. Prices for ads are $25 for a business card size and $40 for a 1/4 page. Deadline for Ads is March 20th.

Middle School Discussion Information

Following the Middle School Fair, two parents of MWES children (David Moguel and Pilar Buelna), organized and held two follow-up discussions about middle school options. The origination of the discussion was based on the fact that while the Middle School Fair allows the schools to introduce themselves to parents and pass out literature, in order to get a fuller, more complete picture of the schools, it is helpful to visit a school in person and do some research on-line to obtain more information. David did the research and he and Pilar organized the two follow-up discussions. You can access the agenda from each of the two meeting by clicking the following: OCTOBER 10 AGENDA and FEBRUARY 4 AGENDA. We hope this information is beneficial to you in connection with your middle school selection process.