Nov 30, 2010

Americana Night: Dec.11th 6pm-8pm

We have partnered with the Americana once again this year to help raise funds for our children. Join us for a fun night out for the entire family. Barnes and Noble is donating 15% of all of their sales on the weekend of Dec. 11th and 12th as long as you mention Mt.Washington Elementary. On Saturday, Dec.11th, from 6pm-8pm you will be entertained by the Mt.Washington Chorus, story time by our great parent volunteers and several other Mt.Washington student performers at Barnes and Noble. You can enjoy dinner before or after the Barnes and Noble event, due some Holiday shopping, then take all of your receipts to the concierge desk in the parking lot lobby to get 5% of all of your receipts donated back to our school. Also, every Tuesday, Ameci Trattoria is giving 10% back to our school on checks $40 or more. The American Holiday Gift for Schools is ongoing till Dec.24th. Thank you Sharren Harren for coordinating this event.