at the Valentinos', Antipasto & Insalata-the Zippay-Andresen's,
Primo & Secondo-the LippSmiths, Dolce & Design Liz Herron and
Warren Christiansen's; 2 van tours leaving from Mt. Washington
Elementary School 5-9pm and 6-10pm. Tickets available by
contacting Dinner Chairperson Nina Zippay at 213.308.8954
or nzippay@gmail.com
*This is an adult ONLY event* See the Progressive Dinner
for details *Carlin
G. Recreation Center is offering child care for our attendees from
4:30-11:00pm at $14 per child (must have 25 kids to offer service),
contact Sherri Jacobson @ 323.225.4960
to schedule