at 6:00pm Border Grill Truck will be offering dinner and dessert
and will be donating 15% of all evening sales back to MWES! You can
also help support our 6th graders by buying a beverage! And lots of
other "fun stuff". Then
StarGazing will begin at 7:00pm with an awesome slide show
followed by telescope viewing. See Jupiter (our
largest planet) and four of it's moons through our giant
telescope that is four times stronger than the one at the Griffith
Park Observatory! Travel back in time 1,500 years as we see the Great
Orion Nebula, a
stellar nursery where
stars are being born, and the
Pleiades, also
known as "The
Seven Sisters" one
of the most famous star clusters in all of mythology, plus many
other deep
space objects.
So bring your family,
friends, neighbors and join us for another wonderful evening under
the stars ~ help us earn much needed funds for our Mt. Washington
Elementary School. Admission:
FREE & open to the Community Any questions? Contact
StarGazing Chairperson, Sharen Steele Herran at
*see flyer attached (also going home in backpacks next week)