Feb 11, 2012

2012 - 2013 Mt. Washington PTA Board Nominations

A Nominating Committee for the 2012-2013 PTA Board has been formed and is currently looking for PTA Board candidates and active participants.  We have several positions that will be perfect for you.  The following link is from the California PTA with all the possible job descriptions that might suit your skills and abilities:  http://www.capta.org/sections/resources/downloads/toolkit-2011/toolkit-en-10.pdf 
The following are the requirements for PTA Board Candidates:
  1. A Mt. Washington PTA Member.
  2. Be willing to work in a teamwork environment.
  3. Be fair and objective.
  4. Be willing to commit some time for meetings on a monthly basis.

Please contact Jackie Cahill, no later than Friday, February 17, 2012, at 323-517-4618 or email her at KatienCJsmom@gmail.com if you would like more information, or if you'd like to be considered for a specific position. 
We look forward to sharing this wonderful experience with you.

Sincerely yours,
2012-2013 PTA Nominating Committee