Feb 11, 2012


We are happy to report that many of our teachers utilized the Wasserman Foundation's gift card donations on donorschoose.org, and many of their projects were fully funded.  Three of our teachers ended up in a situation with projects not fully funded once the Wasserman Foundation’s $4 million grant was depleted prior to the 2/2 deadline.  Since most of our teacher’s projects were partially funded by the Wasserman gift cards, PTA was able to fund the remainder in order to make sure that the committed gift cards did not go to waste and that the teachers who worked so hard on their grant proposals did not miss out.  The PTA filled the gap for $700, which ensures our children will receive the materials and supplies the teachers asked for on Donors Choose.  These projects include new building blockswriting supplies and music teaching equipment.  What wonderful additions to our children’s classrooms!   Thank you to all the parents who utilized their gift cards and helped to fulfill these projects.  As always, thank you to all who donate to our PTA throughout the year, as you can see, it truly makes a difference!